Nemzetközi TDK 2010
2009. október 29.TDK

We have the great pleasure to announce that the 19th International Congress on Sports Sciences for Students will take place in Budapest, Hungary. It will be held at the Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science (TF).

The main themes for 2010 will focus on experimental as well as applied aspects of sport. We welcome proposals on Human Movement Sciences, Management, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, Adapted Physical Education, Physiology, Social Science, Teaching Methods, Training Methods, Tourism and Recreation.

The conference is relatively small, with approximately 200–250 participants, which means that close collegial relationships are easily established.

We are pleased to inform you that our guest professor at the Conference this year will be Professor Dr. Walter Tokarski, the Rector of German Sport University, Köln (Cologne).

We are looking forward to your visit to Budapest, in the town of famous universities and place of special cultural events.

The application form and other information is available on the conference website at

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More information of the Congress:




See you in April in Budapest!

We are looking forward to receiving your application!



Dr. Katalin Kovacs Chairman

Címkék: konferencia,ICSSS
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