Felhívás finnországi nyári egyetemen való részvételre
2014. május 5.Magyar Testnevelési és Sporttudományi Egyetem

A HAAGA-HELIA Egyetem idén második alkalommal rendezi meg Vierumäki-ban sporttudományi nyári egyetemét. A Jyväskylä-i Egyetemmel, a Finn Sportintézettel és a Finn Olimpiai Akadémiával közösen szervezett kurzus részletes angol nyelvű felhívása alább olvasható.

HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences is pleased to present the second Summer School for Physical Education Students organized in Vierumäki. The seminar is organized in cooperation with the University of Jyväskylä, the Sport Institute of Finland, Vierumäki and the Finnish Olympic Academy.

Interesting Topics

The topics of the Summer School include innovative models in physical activity at school, perspectives on health and wellbeing in the settings of school-age children, teacher's role in promoting physical activity and Olympic education. The topics will be viewed through lectures, variety of P.E. classes, teaching and observing workshops.

Target Group

The Summer School is open to all undergraduate students over 18 years old, who have a major in sports, physical education, health education or fitness.The student seminar is part of the HAAGA-HELIA Open University studies. Like us on Facebook!

Seminar Fee And Registration

Seminar fee for students is 390 €. Including Open University fee (30 €), full board with three meals/day, accommodation, programme and materials. Apply to the Summer School via online registration form found on our website. The seminar organizers will inform you if you are accepted to attend the seminar.

The programme is built around two international seminars:

  • International Seminar for P.E. Teachers >>>
  • World Congress 2014 >>>

2025. Magyar Testnevelési és Sporttudományi Egyetem
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