# international relations

Recently the University of Physical Education has hosted a special event organized by the Hungarian Embassy in the Philippines. The University of Physical Education welcomed seventy Philippine students studying in Hungary at this unique “Alumni Event”.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the representatives of the University of Physical Education have participated a one-day visit to fulfill the invitation of the Embassy of Bern and to strengthen the partnership with our new institutional partner, the University of Bern.

Procedures regarding the rules of entering Hungary and special medical examination for non-Hungarian students and higher education staff.

As part of the 2020 ERASMUS + International Credit Mobility Application (ICM) announced by the Tempus Public Foundation, we have submitted a large number of applications with our partners in many countries around the world with the aim of finding support for two-way mobilities outside the European Union. The awarded amount of support is € 49,835 (17.7 million HUF) and two full years will be available from 1 August 2020 for the mobilities to be realized in both directions.

The UPE International Relation Center conducted a short interview with Dr. János Tóth Jr., Asistant professor at the University of Physical Education, who recently returned from Albuquerque, USA, where, among many others, he gained experience in his own field.

Recently, Dr. Judit Kádár, Director of the International Relations Center and Fanni Füstös, International Relations Coordinator at the University of Physical Education, visited two universities in England: Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) and London Metropolitan University (LMU).

On 1 October, the day before the 3. Sport and Innovation International Conference, the University of Physical Education (UPE) has welcomed international guests on the International Partner Day. During the event, several meetings were held with delegations from various partner institutions.

The exciting program of the 3. Sport and Innovation International Conference was enriched by the attendance of many international delegations to our university. The visit of the Colombian swimmer delegation, which was a great success last fall, was organized for the second time at UPE at the request of the Colombian Embassy in Budapest, with the help of Counselor Duván Reynerio Ocampo Pinzón.

The first US 3-week faculty enrichment program at the University of New Mexico has been successfully completed in June, 2019 in Albuquerque, NM. Dr. Judit Kádár, Fulbright alumna of the UNM has shared with her colleagues at the Sports University of Budapest some opportunities that could enrich their professional and intercultural skills, while experiencing a wonderful intercultural environment and enjoying New Mexico. At the same time, she also wished to share new opportunities available for all members of the UNM community.

The new Ambassador of Colombia, Hon. Ana Piedad Jaramillo Restreo and Hon. Zaal Gogsadze, Ambassador of Georgia have briefly discussed the existing and newly developing academic relations of their countries and the University of Physical Education, Budapest, with Dr Judit Kadar, Director of international relations at UPE.

In response to the last year's invitation, Prof. Dr. h. c. Lajos Mocsai Rector of the University of Physical Education (UPE) has visited the German Sport University Cologne (GSU), which is one of the most remarkable European partner institutions of UPE. Prof. Dr. Heiko Strüder, Rector of GSU and Dr. Gerard King, International Director, hosted the delegation for two days (Prof. Dr. h. c. Lajos Mocsai Rector, Jörg Bauer, President of UPE Consortium and Andrea Rédli, International Coordinator of the International Relations Center).

Dr. Chain Lit Khoon Zason, representing the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science at the National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore has visited the International Relations Center at the University of Physical Education (UPE).

Prof. Dr. Hamar Pál Vice-Rector of Educational Affairs and Head of the Professional Committee, Dr. Judit Kádár Head of the International Relations Center, Andrea Rédli and Bianka Molnár international coordinators from University of Physical Education (UPE) were invited by Dr. Sabine Weisz Rector of College of Education Burgenland to take part in the Erasmus Information Day on 11th of October in 2018 in Austria.

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Frasz, Head of the Vocational School and School Development Institute, Mag. Gerhard Ziniel, Academic Instructor and Alexandra Baier, Coordinator of the International Department has visited the University of Physical Education (UPE) in Budapest.

On 28th of February, 2018, the Kazah Embassy and the Hungarian Rectors Conference had organized a conference with the participation of 24 Rectors of Kazakhstan and 25 from the Hungarian universities. The first Kazah-Hungarian Rectors' Forum was held at Corvinus University in Budapest.

The delegation of the University of Physical Education has traveled to Germany for launching a new academic partnership. During the two-day visit, the representative had formal and informal meetings.

The University of Physical Education (UPE) has been honored to host a delegation from one of the most distinguished higher education institutions in Japan: Waseda University, Tokyo. The parties conducted some consultations with focus on a professional cooperation they intend to establish in the near future. The representatives of the two universities have shared their presentations about the institutions, calling attention to their strength and aspirations.

Prof. Kerstin Lampel and Dr. Barbara Wondrasch, professors at the Department of Health from the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, attended a professional meeting organized by the International Relation Centre, with the representatives of the Department of Biomechanics of the Physical Education University.

Following the summer meeting in Austria, on 20 September 2017 the representatives of the University of Physical Education received a four-member delegation from the Pädagogische Hochschule (PH) of Eisenstadt in Budapest. The delegation included Mag. Sabine Weisz, Rector, Mag. Inge Strobl-Zuchtriegl, Rector Assistant, Dr. Gundl Rauter, Professional Practice Institute, Leader, and Mag. Rosemarie Lehner, Primary School Development Institute, Leader.

The chancellor of the University of Physical Education, Dr. Ferenc Genzwein, Othmar Michl, the president of the Economic Advisory Board of the University, and the Head of the International Relations Directorate, Dr. Judit Kádár and Andrea Rédli, Coordinator for International Relations, met personally with the heads of the PH Burgenland (Dr. Gundl Rauter, Dr. Eva Burger, Mag. Sabine Haider, Mag. Irma Ortner Lidy) in Eisenstadt.


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