Our university prioritizes offering comprehensive psychological support for students and staff. From autumn 2024, counselling is provided by external professionals (ELTE psychologists) who have gained extensive experience in student counselling at other universities. Counselling is offered to all clients with complete confidentiality. The psychologists adhere to the professional code of ethics and the information discussed is covered by medical confidentiality.
The individual psychological counselling service is available free of charge to both students and staff of the TF.
The consultations provide an opportunity for you to explore, in a protected and supportive environment, with the guidance of a psychologist what changes and adjustments you need and you get support to begin to implement those. Psychologists offer help with challenging life situations, when you feel that you are no longer able to cope with the difficulties alone.
Some examples that often arise are:
- conflicts in family, private life, or at work conflicts
- challenges related to work, learning, achievement or sports
- difficulties in making decisions
- relationship difficulties, difficulties in fitting in
- self-esteem problems, anxiety, problems with managing stress
- challenges with performance, motivation
- loss of a significant person
- you face challenges with life or career planning, or if you feel stagnant in a particular area
Consultations can be booked by email, after which you will be asked to fill in a form. After scheduling an appointment, meetings can take place in person at the university or online.
For registration and further information contact us at:
Psychologist: Kristóf Simon Mikó
If your mental state is a threat to your health or safety, or the health of others (e.g. if you have an uncontrollable aggressive urge towards yourself or others), you should call 112 for help.
If you are in a crisis situation (for example you have suicidal thoughts, your emotions or actions are threatening your own or others' safety, you find your mental state very disturbing or unbearable, your symptoms make you or the people around you worried about your physical or mental health), and you have a Hungarian health insurance number (as displayed on your TAJ card), or you have private insurance which covers mental health services, please call or visit:
Semmelweis University Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (SOTE); Adult Emergency Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic PHONE: +36 1 210 0330/ 51243
(Monday to Friday: 8 am to 2 pm)
ADDRESS: 1083 Budapest, Balassa u. 6. (District VIII.)
Peterfy Hospital Crisis Intervention Department at 1074 Budapest, Alsó erdősor Street 7., (Monday to Friday: 8 am to 2 pm): +36-70-984-9289 or +36-1-322-1896
visit the local psychiatric unit of the district where you live (each district has a government psychiatric hospital/clinic that serves the residents of the given district)