
    Sportinno 2021 | Sportinno 2018 | Ferenc Németh Photography Contest 2018 | Sportinno 2017

    SportInno 2021

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    2018 – During the two-day conference, more than a thousand participants visited the sessions.

    With the partnership of Hungarian National Trading House and the University of Physical Education,  the 2. Sports and Innovation International Conference was held between 9-10 May, 2018 in Groupama Arena.

    Since the event, many Hungarian and foreign participants and company owners have expressed their gratitude and positive responses with the organizers, emphasizing the professional quality of the event. 20 companies attended the conference and there were more than 100 presentations.

    One of the highlights of the event was the Football Coach Workshop organized in collaboration with Barcelona FC. This program has received a lot of attention from the Hungarian football society and sport media.

    The conference was enriched with the sport photo exhibition and Ferenc Németh Award giving ceremony.

    Reach for the opportunities to discover the word and expand your perspective.

    ”Our goal was to create a tradition with the Sports and Innovation International Conference, and we seem to be on the right track to realize our dream,” said Dr. Judit Kádár, Director of the International Relations Center of the University of Physical Education. “This is the medium where researchers, educators and research teams of various international companies and sports organizations meet and in this sense it is a unique opportunity. We are pleased to host such a high-quality conference and enable the presentation of innovative features in five sports: football, water polo, handball, ice hockey and volleyball in particular. ”

    The tradition lives on because the success of this conference, next year we are to host another Sportinno Conference.

    In the next gallery we will recall some memorable moments of the 2. Sports and Innovation International Conference.

    Great Moments and The Great Blue between the Winner of the Photography Exhibition

    At the 2. Sports and Innovation International Conference, the winners of the Ferenc Németh Photography Contest were announced. The photo contest was founded by the University of Physical Education, and the 102 participants participated in three categories, with 2,263 photos.

    The event was organized by the PR and Marketing Department of the University of Physical Education, in collaboration with LikeGroup, BP 2017 Nonprofit Kft. and MSÚSZ. The patron of the event was Dr. Tünde Szabó, State Secretary for Sports.

    Nagy pillanatok és a Nagy kékség a győztes képek között

    Lajos Mocsai, the Rector of UPE has emphasized the importance of intuition and talent which are very important for the art of capturing the moments in photography.

    Nagy pillanatok és a Nagy kékség a győztes képek között (Mocsai Lajos)

    „I am honoured to know Peter, the son of Ferenc Németh,  and within our collaboration with the Sport Journalists Association, we were able to establish this award.” – mentioned Prof. h.c. Lajos Mocsai in the Groupama Arena.

    Nagy pillanatok és a Nagy kékség a győztes képek között

    Zoltán Novoty is the Honorary President of Hungarian Sport Journalists Association and a member of the Hungarian Radio. In his speech, Mr Novotny has addressed the connection of sport, photography and art. This year the theme of the photo contest was football and sport that bonds.

    Nagy pillanatok és a Nagy kékség a győztes képek között

    The first and second place winner of the Ferenc Németh award was Szilvia Micheller, and she received the 250 000 HUF prize. The third-place winner was Gabor Sas with his photo entitled ”The Triumph of the Heart”.

    The member of the jury was Jozsef Farkas, the doyen of Hungarian sport photography, Mathias Kniepeiss (AUT) photo artist, and one of the most well-known sport photographers in Austria, Peter Németh, the son of Ferenc Németh; Miklós Szabó, the representative of the National Sport Journal in charge of photography; the photo artist Zoltan Szabó, owner of Kincseskamera.

    Nagy pillanatok és a Nagy kékség a győztes képek között

    The UPE Prize was given to Dzsenifer Varga, András Sziffer and Péter Égerházi.

    Nagy pillanatok és a Nagy kékség a győztes képek között

    The Best Photo of the International Sports Events Held in Hungary was won by István Derencsényi.

    Ferenc Németh was a cameraman of the Hungarian Telegraph Office, National Sport Journal and the Hungarian Football Federation, and he was passed away in 2013.

    2017 - Sports and Innovation International Conference in Budapest

    On the opening day of the first Sports and Innovation International Conference, Dr. László Szabó, State secretary for the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Affairs, Dr. Tünde Szabó, State secretary for sports of the Ministry of human Capacities, Zsanett Oláh, Chief Executive Officer of the Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) and Prof. Dr. Lajos Mocsai, Rector of the University of Physical Education (UPE) gave welcome speeches. “We wish to create a progressive tradition in the field of innovation at the University of Physical Education,” Professor Mocsai added.

    During the conference, the 400 participants could join Hungarian and English lectures and sessions.  They have discussed for instance innovative training methodology, interdisciplinary approaches in sports science, sports regulation, sports law, the value of sport-related advertising, and the experiences related to the FINA World Water Championship, too.

    State Secretary Tünde Szabó thanked the organizers for bringing this conference to life. She believes that here Hungarian sport economy has the opportunity to take another step towards international success by learning the current trends and by introducing several promising Hungarian companies in the sports industry. In the field of sports economy, training and innovation, domestic players gain success, which is promoted by the sport science and management endeavors of the Government. This is, she claims, one of the most dynamically developing sectors in the field of sports, with a positive impact on education, health, youth and family policy, infrastructure, and it also stimulates the economy.

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