LESS4MORE (E+ sport)

Project ID: 101089803 — LESS4MORE

Topic: ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-SCP — Cooperation partnerships

Project Title: Leveraging Sports for Women Empowerment

Short title: LESS4MORE

Project leader: Institutul National de Cercetare Pentru Sport (Romania)

Project partners:

  1. Institutul National de Cercetare Pentru Sport (Romania)
  2. Hungarian University of Sports Science (HUSS), Hungary
  3. Fonds Wiener Institut Für Internationalen Dialog Und Zusammenarbeit Austria
  4. Pythia Koinoniki Sineteristiki Epixeirisi Syllogikis Kai Koinonikis Ofelias, Greece
  5. Club Voleibol Clínica San Eugenio Voley Playa, Spain
  6. Asociatia Sportiva Corporate Games Romania
  7. G.G. Eurosuccess Consulting Limited, Cyprus

Start Date: December 01, 2022

End Date: June 30, 2025

Duration: 30 months

Total Grant: 250 000.00 EUR

HUSS partial grant: 29,655 EUR

Description of project

The project is foreseen to address the priority “inclusion and diversity” and its goal is to engage women, in particular from migrants and disadvantaged groups, to participate in Sport and Recreational Physical Activities (SRPA), including indoor and outdoor sports and to create an inclusive network for women sport as a base for future projects and for enabling of an international focus on recreational sports for women, as a balance for the professional sports for women.

Through its conception, but much more through its deployment, the project will create synergies between the different Erasmus+ fields of education, training, youth and sport, as every one of these fields has a resonance within project’s activities.

Specific objectives

  1. Identification of good practices in the world of sport for women;
  2. Deployment of specific training modules;
  3. Actively engaging women in sport practice;
  4. Using digital tools and apps;
  5. Establishment of a inclusive network dedicated to enroling and empowering women in and through sport.

Objectives will be reached through activities like:

  1. recruiting and enrolment of targeted groups,
  2. deployment of training stages, sport event organizing,
  3. participating in EWOS 2023&2024,
  4. seminars and workshops
  5. newsletters

Targeted groups: women aged 20-45 having less opportunities to practice sport; women from disadvantaged groups (minorities, migrants, roma communities, physically challenged), from local companies, women sport instructors, coaches, trainers, social workers.

Expected: 1200-1500 participants. Outputs of the project comprise: events conferences and workshops(4), manuals and guidelines(8), project website, newsletters(5), reports and plans(4).

2025. Hungarian University of Sports Science.
All rights reserved.