EU PE and Sport, Jean Monnet Moduls

Project Title: EU PE and sports

Project ID: 101085841

Call: ERASMUS-JMO-2022-OFET-LEARNING-EU submitted for ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH / 01 Mar 2022

Topic: ERASMUS-JMO-2022-MODULE - Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education: Modules

Type of Action: ERASMUS-LS

Project beneficiary: Hungarian University of Sports Science (mono-beneficiary)

Duration: 36 months

Start Date: 01/12/2022

End Date: 30/11/2025

Total Grant: EUR 30 000

Project description:

The main goal of the activities of the Jean Monnet project supported by the European Commission is to stimulate education and research in the field of European integration studies, and to promote dialogue between the scientific world and political decision-makers in EU countries and worldwide.

The main activities of the 3-year-old project led by Dr. Péter Farkas are: curriculum development and re-design of different course, both in Hungarian and English language, key topic research and publication (instructors and students) in the field of European Union studies, with special regard to sport and physical education. In addition, the project also supports the implementation of ideas such as the creation of a thematic corner in the university Library, the inclusion of EU and physical education, sports-themed lectures and research in its program as part of the Klebelsberg Kuno Extra-curricular College, and the organization of the "TF Breakfast" event (Networking Breakfast Meeting).

In the process of European integration, global interconnection and cultural differentiation are realized at the same time. In this process, the university pays special attention to the role of European institutions in the development of applicable regulatory frameworks in the field of physical education and sports. We are concerned with the question of the interaction between sports governance and the dynamics of European integration supported by community institutions. It is not typical for European sports science higher education to include the teaching of European political sciences in the university curriculum. University students can follow and participate in our courses, analyze the political and cultural motives of European integration by state, and simultaneously examine the effects of different sports concepts and the healthy lifestyle of society on a multidisciplinary system. Unfortunately, it is common in Europe that students do not know the evolution of European integration from the traditional historical-economic-political approach. As an added value, we provide future teachers, coaches and sports managers with this basic information and soft knowledge through the analysis of a specific field, sport. Therefore, the project combines the elements of educational development and research with innovative solutions and a multidisciplinary approach. The European approach to sport can provide a good example for understanding the deepening of integration and how social issues and new areas are dealt with at the European level. Students can learn about basic human values ​​and contribute to the functioning of the European multicultural context through the spirit of fair play.

2025. Hungarian University of Sports Science.
All rights reserved.