Dear readers! We are closed on 14th of December and between 21st of December 2024 and 5th of January 2025.
The university library is the only library in the country specialized in physical education and sports. It is dedicated to collecting books and magazines from different fields of sports, physical education, sport pedagogy, sport management and recreation, published in Hungary or abroad.
The university devotes substantial finances to acquiring international books and magazines deemed important in sport pedagogy and research. The collection includes books, journals, articles, theses, videos and photos. Furthermore, the library offers several important databases, like EBSCO, as well as some special collections related to sports and medical sciences to support research at all levels.
Besides the open access databases, like, DART-Europe, De Gruyter Open, DOAB, DOAJ, Pubmed, the library offers a wide array of other resources, like SportDiscus, ScienceDirect, Scopus, SpringerLink, WOS, JCR, Gale OneFile Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, ProQuest and databases of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
The library provides all available support to help anyone in our campus community, including international students and faculty.
Online library catalogue (Liberty)
- Information:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Director’s e-mail: Judit Varga (director):
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- Information desk: +36 1 488 1551
Opening hours
- Monday-Thursday: 8.30am-5pm
- Friday: 8.30am-3pm
Rules of registration and using the Library
The library services are free for students, professors, employees of the University, and for pensioners, employees of the cultural sector, teachers, persons over 70 and disabled people.
Registration fees, charges and services
Category |
Registration fees |
Validity period |
Registration documents |
Students |
free of charge |
academic year |
school year identity card, student card, passport, driving licence, address card |
Employees |
free of charge |
till the end of legal status |
university entry card |
Other free user |
free of charge |
1 year |
identity card or driving licence, address card, or documents to show you're entitled to the free using |
External students |
3000 HUF |
1 year |
identity card or driving licence or passport, address card, student card |
External users (any Hungarian citizen over the age of 18) |
5000 HUF |
1 year |
identity card or driving licence or passport, address card |
Discount user |
3000 HUF |
1 year |
identity card or driving licence, address card, or documents to show you're entitled to the discount |
Daily ticket |
1000 forint |
1 day |
identity card |
Other fees
- Fine amount: 50 HUF/day/book
- For night loan: 500 HUF/hour
- New library card (in case of loss): 500 HUF
- Reprographic services (photocopying, printing)
- A/4, black and white text: 50 HUF
- A/4, black and white photo: 150 HUF
- A/4, colour text: 150 HUF
- A/4, colour photo 300 HUF
- A/3, black and white text 100 HUF
- A/3, black and white image 300 HUF
- A/3, colour text 300 HUF
- A/3, colour photo 500 HUF
- Scanning is free of charge
- Use of reading-rooms and computers in INFOLABOR
- Borrowing of documents determined in regulations,
- Use of online databases via Internet,
- Printing, making photocopy of determined documents (for payment), scanning
- Inter-library loaning
- Akadémiai folyóiratgyűjtemény (journal package) – Akadémiai Kiadó, founded in 1828, is a leading STM publisher of Central-Europe. They offer a wide range of high-quality, peer-reviewed journals.
- Gale OneFile Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine – The Gale OneFile Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine is available at the university from GALE's databases, it is possible to search among the world's leading journals and reference sources on the topic of physical therapy and sports medicine. It includes the Academic OneFile which contains specialized journals and the General File which contains general subject journals.
- Trial: Gale Academic OneFile - Gale Academic OneFile, provides millions of articles from over 17,000 scholarly journals and other authoritative sources. (Trial access available until April 5th.)
- JCR (Journal Citation Reports) – The JCR (Journal Citation Reports) is a database which contains the impact factor (IF) of scientific journals.
- ProQuest Central – There are available thousands of journals, daily newspapers, working papers, doctoral dissertations, and other documents from the 1970s to the present in this full-text multidisciplinary database.
- ScienceDirect – The ScienceDirect is Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature. ScienceDirect combines authoritative, full-text scientific, technical and health publications with smart, intuitive functionality so that users can stay informed in their fields and can work more effectively and efficiently.
- Scopus – Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.
- SportDiscus with Full Text – The SportDiscus with Full Text is the world's most comprehensive source of full text for sports and sports medicine journals, providing full text for 550 journals indexed in SPORTDiscus. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the SPORTDiscus index - with no embargo. (Click on EBSCOhost Research Databases then select the database!)
- SpringerLink – The SpringerLink is the world's most comprehensive online collection of scientific, technological and medical journals, books and reference works.
- Web of Science – The Web of Science is a bibliographic database. With the Web of Science platform, you can access an unrivalled breadth of world-class research literature linked to a rigorously selected core of journals and uniquely discover new information through meticulously captured metadata and citation connections.
Free online databases
- EBSCO Open Dissertations – You can search millions of electronic theses and dissertations.
- DOAJ – The DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.
- LA84 – The LA84 Foundation's digital collection includes official Olympic reports and defunct sports magazines.
- PsyArXiv - A free preprint service for the psychological sciences.
- PubMed – The PubMed comprises more than 27 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
- Sciendo – The De Gruyter Open (formerly Versita) is a database of one of the largest publishers of open access scientific journals. Here full text articles from various disciplines are available, including sports and physical education also.
- SocArxive - Open archive of the social sciences.
- SURF is a Sport Information Portal, when you can search publications, projects, audio-visual media and internet sources.
- EBSCO e-books – We offer some e-books on the EBSCO platform, you can access them by clicking on EBSCO eBooks.
- DOAB – The Directory of Open Access Books is a database of open access books.
- Human Kinetics Library – The unique database of the Human Kinetics Library allows access to content related to sports and exercise, such as physical activation, fitness, kinesiology, biomechanics, sports psychology, training, disability and sports, some sports, anatomical, fitness, etc. You can also search for books, pictures, audio recordings, educational videos, and e-books on this user-friendly site.
- ProQuest – If you have a library card, we offer you several ebooks about sport sciences, for example sports medicine, biomechanics or sport recreatio. Click here for the complete Proquest list. Registration is needed for ProQuest from outside of Campus.
Useful Links
- Sport site of the European Union
- International Olympic Committee
- Olympic Museum (Lausanne)
- Zentralbibliothek der Deutschen Sporthochschule (Köln)
- Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC)
- Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft
- International Association for Sports Information