Keynote speakers

Dr. Christopher Spray

Dr. Christopher Spray

Dr. Chris Spray is currently a Reader in Sport and Exercise Psychology at Loughborough University, UK. He formerly worked as a physical education teacher in schools for over ten years. Chris’ research interests focus on motivational processes in PE and youth sport. He has published mainly in the areas of achievement goals, implicit theories of ability (mindsets), and self-determination. He was a former Associate Editor for Psychology of Sport and Exercise and currently serves on the editorial boards of a number of scientific journals. His teaching interests combine psychology and pedagogy.

Prof. Dr. Lee Chee Pheng

Prof. Dr. Lee Chee Pheng

Prof.  Lee received his Ph.D. in Sports Sciences. He earned his master’s degrees from Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary. His bachelors in Sports Science from the Hungarian University of Physical Education, Budapest, Hungary. Pioneered the research on ‘Heart Rate Return’ to safely cease exercise to prevent. Hypo-kaelemia to prevent discomfort, syncope and arrhythmia leading to sudden death. He is an honorary Professor by The Oxford Academic Union, Oxford, U.K. He received the Meritorious Service Award (P.J.K.) and medal of ‘Commander’ (P.M.P.) by The State of Perak. He has several scientific positions such as, vice chair of World Conference on Exercise Medicine, founder of Exercise Medicine, member of Oxford Academic Union, Utd. Kingdom, as well as, member of European Medical Association, CEO of Asia College of Exercise and Sports Medicine and International Scientific Committee on Exercise Medicine, furthermore, he is founder and CEO of International Symposium on Active Ageing.

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