# interview

TFSE athlete Levente Józsa, a first-year student at the Hungarian University of Sports Science (TF), member of the Hungarian taekwondo Olympic squad, is preparing hard for the Paris Olypmic Games.

Two gold medals at this year's World Championships, a memorable run at the Diamond League in Eugene – interview with Luca Ekler, the Hungarian world class para athlete.

Csilla Tam, who works for the Hungarian, European and International Cycling Federation, is also a participant of the university’s English-language training.

The Hungarian University of Sports Science (HUSS), which is to hold its centenary celebrations next year, is expecting young transboarder Hungarians to submit their applications. HUSS does not only offer a wide range of courses and sporting opportunities, but also a renewed infrastructure of high standard. Interview with Vice-rector for General Affairs Dr Csaba Ökrös.

Founder of the technique of microStretching and Stretch Therapy, and currently consulting for the Hungarian Athletics Federation, Dr Nikos C. Apostolopoulos spoke about stretching and its importance as a tool for proper recovery and regeneration, at the Hungarian University of Sports Science (HUSS).

Pál Merkovszki, a student at the Hungarian University of Sports Science (HUSS), acted as the goalkeeper for the US national team at the World Handball Championship where he played an active role in making history.

From 14 to 17 November, 2022, a four-day workshop and roundtable discussion in English was held at the Hungarian University of Sports Science (HUSS) by Paul Edmunds, Professor at the University of New Mexico (UNM), Director of the Centre for English Language and American Culture at UNM.

A specific section at The Sport and Innovation Conference to take place from 14 to 16 September will focus on the relationship between martial arts and sports innovation. Dr Antal Kovács, who won Olympic and World Champion gold medals in judo, will moderate the round table discussion. He believes that there is a lot that everyone can learn from the discussion - even those who are not looking for success in sport.

The 5th edition of the Sport and Innovation Conference will be held between 14 and 16 September and it will be hosted by the Hungarian University of Sports Science in Budapest and the National Handball Academy in Balatonboglár. On the first day of the event, a workshop entitled Governance, Financing will be held in Section IV, where Prof Dr Gábor Géczi, Director of the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of the university, Head of the Department of Sport Management will act as the moderator.

Anna Szilágyi, a student majoring in sports management at the Hungarian University of Sports Sciences (HUSS) spent a week in Senegal, where this time she did not take sports photos but tourist ones. Her trip was supported by the ENGSO Youth programme of the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO).

Dr. Tamás Sterbenz, the newly elected rector of University of Physical Education of Budapest has ambitious plans. In his view, UPE will need to “change gear” and become an influential actor in the field of higher education.

As the saying goes in sports, Dr. habil. Tamás Sterbenz, Vice Rector for General Affairs at the University of Physical Education (UPE) had to be away from the pitch for two weeks, but he is back at work now. He is looking forward to a busy period because the National Accreditation Board’s (MAB) accreditation procedure and the development of UPE’s educational programmes give him enough work to do in the near future.  

The Recreation Department at the University of Physical Education (UPE) does it best to accommodate to the everchanging epidemiological situation and it suggests that despite the new circumstances, we should not neglect daily exercise. 

Developments at the new site of University of Physical Education’s (UPE) have begun in accordance with plans. The new sports facilities will not only be able to host trainings and competitions but they have also been designed to harmonize with the landscape.   

Dr. Sós Csaba’s career full of success has reached another milestone. The Head of the Swimming and Watersport Department of the University of Physical Education (UPE) has been awarded the professor title. Mr. Sós, an essential character of the Hungarian swimming scene, who has been the head coach of Hungary's swimming team since 2017, has been teaching at the university for more than thirty years.

Following the opening ceremony on Wednesday, the International University Sports Federation’s (FISU) first virtual World Forum continued on Thursday with a number of interesting programmes including parallels, roundtable discussions and the eSport championships.

The digital 2020 FISU World Forum is set to start on Wednesday, 12 August at the University of Physical Education (UPE). The online event will be attended by 1,400 participants from more than 100 countries worldwide, which is a figure that has never been seen in FISU’s history. One day before the start of the Forum, Mr. Dániel Mezei, leader of the Organizing Committee (OC) talked about the preparations and his expectations.

The main organisers of FISU World Forum, the University of Physical Education (UPE), the Hungarian University Sport Federation (HUSF) and the Technology Provider Digital Success Program (DSP) expect different benefits from the Forum. Interview with UPE Vice-Rector, Dr. Tamás Sterbenz and DJP project supervisor, Dr. Levente András Gál. 

FISU’S first ever online Forum to be staged at the University of Physical Education (UPS) between 12th and 14th August 2020 has received more than 1,200 registrations so far, a figure that is still expected to rise. The Hungarian University Sport Federation (HUSF), which is one of the main organisers of the Forum, had made a good decision with its partners when it persisted with the ambitious plan to keep the event despite the pandemic.

Lajos Mocsai, the rector of the Hungarian University of Physical Education (UPE) is aware that organising the 2020 FISU World Forum in a digital form is a challenge but the proper technical background is provided to ensure it will go smoothly. He also believes that in the long run, the Forum will contribute to the rise of university sports worldwide. Interview with the former national handball team coach.


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