Sectoral procedure for non-Hungarian students' entry

Procedures regarding the rules of entering Hungary and special medical examination for non-Hungarian students and higher education staff.

I. General provisions

Based on the current level of infection in other countries the National Chief Medical Officer published a decision listing the countries and their administrative regions categorized as „yellow” and „red”, which can be found here.

The higher education institution shall issue a certificate in accordance with Annex 1 to a non-Hungarian student (hereinafter: student) for entry to Hungary. The identification of the student on the basis of their non-personal data (passport number and nationality) will be recorded in a central unified electronic interface set up for inspection by the National Police Headquarters.

The student must contact the higher education institution of which they are a student, and must arrive at the accommodation specified in the certificate within 24 hours after entering Hungary.

II. Rules pertaining to the entry and medical examination of foreign students equated to Hungarian citizens

According to the government regulation 341/2020. (VII. 12.) on travel restrictions during the epidemiological preparedness period, those who hold and present at entry a valid residence permit to stay in Hungary for a period exceeding 90 days issued on any legal grounds by the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing or a residence permit (type D visa) is subject to the same assessment as a Hungarian citizen.

Detailed information and annex in the full document by Ministry of Innovation and Technology, State Secretary for Higher Education, Innovation and Vocational Training.

2025. Hungarian University of Sports Science.
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