# meeting

Györgyi Koppa, partnership coordinator of the International Relations Centre (IRC) at the Hungarian University of Sports Science (TF) visited Cologne and Münster, where she had a meeting with Head of the International Office Dr Gerald King (German Sport University Cologne) and Rosemary Dubbeldam (University of Münster).

Representatives of the Hungarian University of Sports Science took part in the second meeting of the European project titled METER MATTERS between January 31 and February 2 at the University of Coimbra in Portugal. The sub-title of the project is “Proposal of criteria and model for co-funding inclusion in sport”, which is also one of the main expected outcomes of the collaboration of 6 organisations.

On the 26th and 27th of September, 2022 a delegation from the Hungarian University of Sports Science (HUSS) lead by Rector Prof Dr Tamás Sterbenz visited Thailand. The rector was accompanied by Vice-Rector for General Affairs Dr Csaba Ökrös and Presidenttial Advisor and Research Leader Dr Péter Szikra. The delegation was received by Dr Sándor Sipos, Hungarian Ambassador to Thailand.

Two prominent figures of international university sports discussed important issues last week. Newly elected president of the Hungarian University Sports Federation (HUSF) Prof. Dr. h. c. Lajos Mocsai and European University Sports Association (EUSA) President Adam Roczek met online and conducted fruitful discussions.


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