# Tempus Public Foundation

After a two-year break, the National Forum for International Coordinators of the Tempus Public Foundation was hosted by the University of Pécs between June 29- July 1, 2022

On the 1 June, 2022, Tempus Public Foundation hosted a conference entitled “Erasmus+ Opens Doors”.

Tempus Public Foundation responsible for managing the Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship Programme has announced the call for applications for the academic year 2022/2023.

Recently, our University had welcomed the delegation of the Sports University of Tirana (SUT) in the framework of the Tempus Public Foundation run International Credit Mobility program won, by UPE in 2019. The delegation consisted of Mirlinda Galushi, Chancellor of SUT, Safiola Carcani, Director of International, Public and Students Relations and Dr. Keida Ushtelenca, Head of department at the Faculty of Movement Science.

Recently the University of Physical Education has hosted a special event organized by the Hungarian Embassy in the Philippines. The University of Physical Education welcomed seventy Philippine students studying in Hungary at this unique “Alumni Event”.

As part of the 2020 ERASMUS + International Credit Mobility Application (ICM) announced by the Tempus Public Foundation, we have submitted a large number of applications with our partners in many countries around the world with the aim of finding support for two-way mobilities outside the European Union. The awarded amount of support is € 49,835 (17.7 million HUF) and two full years will be available from 1 August 2020 for the mobilities to be realized in both directions.

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