# swimming

Join the World Aquatics Swimming Championships 2024 volunteer team - the date is 10-15 December 2024, and the venue is Budapest, Duna Arena. Help the world's best swimmers compete, be part of the magic atmosphere of an international sporting event!

Student of the Hungarian University of Sports Science (TF), swimming star Nándor Németh gave one of the best performances of the Hungarian team at the Paris Olympics.

Two students of the Hungarian University of Sports Science, Eszter Szabó-Feltóthy and Mira Szimcsák made a memorable performance at the 2024 Quatar World Aquatics Championships that took place between 2 and 18 February.

In addition to seven other Hungarian universities, Dr Sándor Wladár, President of the Hungarian Swimming Federation (HSF) signed a cooperation agreement with the Hungarian University of Sports Science (HUSS).

Prof. Dr. Sós Csaba, a Testnevelési Egyetem Úszás és Vízi Sportok Tanszékének vezetője, a magyar úszóválogatott szövetségi kapitánya az egyetem honlapjának nyilatkozott. A beszélgetés során sok érdekes téma terítékre került, mindenekelőtt természetesen a néhány hete véget ért tokiói nyári olimpia. S mivel Sós Csaba az úszok vezetője, adta magát a fölvetés: mi történt Hosszú Katinkával? A 32 esztendős, háromszoros olimpiai bajnok magyar csillag nem szerzett érmet Tokióban, pedig a közvélemény számított tőle a jó eredményre, így természetesen Sós Csaba is.

Dr. Sós Csaba’s career full of success has reached another milestone. The Head of the Swimming and Watersport Department of the University of Physical Education (UPE) has been awarded the professor title. Mr. Sós, an essential character of the Hungarian swimming scene, who has been the head coach of Hungary's swimming team since 2017, has been teaching at the university for more than thirty years.

In July 2017, Dr. Liu Daqing, representing the China Swimming Association and the Beijing Sport University has visited the University of Physical Education in Budapest, Hungary with a delegation from the Chinese Swimming Association where they have met the representatives of the International Relations Centre (TE).


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