# Research Center for Sport Physiology

Dr Míra Ambrus, senior lecturer at the Research Centre for Sport Physiology at the Hungarian University of Sports Science (TF), held a successful lecture at the prestigious scientific conference of the International Football Association (FIFA).

In line with the MoU signed in 2019 by IJF President and the Rector of the Hungarian University of Sports Science (HUSS), David Kevkhishvili, Vice-president of the Georgian Judo Federation, Dr. Lasha Aladoshvili, medical doctor of the Georgian Judo Federation, and Envic Galea, Chair of IJF Academy, Dr. Tibor Kozsla, Head of Institution of IJF Academy, and Dr. Péter Hidas, member of the medical commission of European Judo Union and IJF Academy have visited our University on July 7, 2022.


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