Míra Ambrus held a presentation at the FIFA International Conference of Football Medicine in Madrid

Dr Míra Ambrus, senior lecturer at the Research Centre for Sport Physiology at the Hungarian University of Sports Science (TF), held a successful lecture at the prestigious scientific conference of the International Football Association (FIFA).

As reported earlier, the FIFA International Conference of Football Medicine was held in Madrid from 25 to 27 May.

At the event, Dr Míra Ambrus, senior lecturer at the Research Centre for Sport Physiology at the Hungarian University of Sports Science (TF) held a lecture titled “Effect of an ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) prevention programme on dynamic knee valgus in female football”.

"I attended several interesting sessions at the event which was held at the Atlético Madrid stadium. I mainly attended lectures on prevention and rehabilitation of ACL injuries, movement analysis and female football, which are closely related to my research topic. I gave a lecture entitled »Effect of an ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) prevention programme on dynamic knee valgus in female football«, which was the result of a collaboration with the University of Zaragoza," said Dr Míra Ambrus.

During the research project, Dr Ambrus and her Spanish colleague, Loreto Ferrández, developed a unique prevention program mefor female soccer players. The mentioned prevention programme can greatly reduce dynamic knee valgus, thus reduce the risk of ACL injuries.

At the conference, Dr Míra Ambrus got an inside view of new research results, which could be very useful for her future investigation and which she can incorporate into her teaching. During the conference, she gained a lot of knowledge that will be useful for the university in the future, with the possibility of further cooperation and the acquisition of new, modern equipment.

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