# International Student Science Conference (ISSC)

The 24th International Scientific Students' Association Conference abstracts have been published in SPRINT / Sport research International.

Veronika Fülöp, fourth-year student of the Hungarian University of Sports Science (TF) was the only one to receive maximum points at the 24th International Student Science Conference. Her lecture held in the social science section earned her the SPRINT journal's special prize.

The International Scientific Students' Conference was held at the Hungarian University of Sports Science for the 24th time from 24 to 26 April 2024, and was again attended by a large number of interested participants.

Those who wish to present their scientific results at the International Student Science Conference (ISSC) to be held between 24 and 27, 2024 in Budapest can upload their abstracts until 18 February.

The Hungarian University of Sports Science (HUSS) cordially invites bachelor-, master- and doctorate- level students to the 24th International Student Science Conference (ISSC) to be held at the university between April 24 and 27.


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