European partner universities paid a visit to the Hungarian University of Sports Science

During the autumn semester, Hungarian University of Sports Science welcomed several visitors from its European partners.

Between 1 and 9 October 2023, within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA131 programme, the Hungarian University of Sports Science (HUSS) welcomed Axel Binnenbruck from the Faculty of Sports Science of the Münster University. The German guest lecturer was received by Vice-Rector for General Affairs, Dr Csaba Ökrös. 

The purpose of the visit was to continue the existing professional relationship between the two specialists in the form of a new research topic and future joint publication, and to discuss possible new areas of cooperation between the two universities. During his stay, our guest gained an insight into the methodology of teaching sports games at HUSS, participated in workshops and held classes for the students of our university.

Also within the framework of the incoming Erasmus+ staff mobility programme, Maria Lipko-Kowalska, a fitness and recreation specialist from the Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw visited HUSS. She was received by Dr Gyöngyvér Lacza, Associate Professor of the Department of Recreation, with whom she discussed the recreation education of the two universities and the development of the Healthy Campus, and she also visited the Centre for Sports Nutrition, where Dr Margita Szilágyi-Utczás, Virág Jenes-Kis and Flóra Szakszon showed her the laboratory and its equipment.

Európai partneregyetemekről érkeztek látogatók a Magyar Testnevelési és Sporttudományi Egyetemre

Both visitors participated in a Budapest tour organised for foreign students arriving for the autumn semester, as well as a number of sports-related activities, including training sessions and matches.

Four experts from our partner university "Foro" Italico also paid a visit to HUSS. Alessandra Pappalardo and Paola Cioffi, athletics coaches, and Alessandra Conti and Antonello Cicarelli, researchers. After a tour of the campus and the Dr Koltai Jenő Sports Centre, they were welcomed at the Department of Athletics by Dr Sándor Béres, Head of the Department and Attila Zsivoczky, who discussed training methodology and research topics. Dr Leonidas Petridis, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Sports Life Sciences, showed the Italian guests around the laboratories, where they were introduced to the research projects being carried out at the university.

Following the successful visit, it is hoped that cooperation between the two institutions will continue in the form of further student and faculty exchanges and research activities.

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