Successful International Partner Day at TE

The day before the IV. Sport and Innovation International Conference, the International Relations Center of the University of Physical Education organized an International Partner Day for the university’s foreign partners as well as the embassies.

Successful International Partner Day at TE

In partnership negotiations with the university’s Valencian partner Universidad Catolica de Valencia "San Vicente Martir", with a delegation from the University of Albania (Albánia-Sport University of Tirana), with a delegation from the University of Georgia (Georgian State Teaching University of Physical Education and Sport, Tbilisi), and discussions with the member from the Colombian Embassy.

During the afternoon as part of the Rector's Reception two contract was signed by Dr. habil. Tamás Sterbenz Acting Rector and with the Rector of the Albanian Sports University Prof. dr. Agron Kasa and with  Prof. Wang Haohan, Rector of Ningbo University in China.

A delegation from Ningbo University was unable to attend the conference due to the pandemic situation therefore a video was screened before the signing ceremony in which the rector of the university confirmed his cooperation with the University of Physical Education.

At the Rector's Reception on behalf of the Colombian Embassy H. E. Carmenza Jaramillo ambassador, Sandro Chelidze counsellor from the Georgian Embassy, Mr. Ilir Qorri from the Albanian Embassy, Naif Homoud Bin Mlafakha from the Embassy of Saudi Arabia and Öexc. Frank Cimafranca from the Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines was represented.

The co-organizer of the conference, Tamás Mocsai general manager of NEKA, honored the reception on behalf of the International Handball Academy. In addition, international speakers include Fernando Parente, project manager at FISU Healthy Campos, Axel Binnenbruck, a lecturer at the University of Münster, and Shota Gogitauri, a lecturer at the University of Georgia.

Despite the pandemic situation, as a result of the partner meetings, the strategic development of our international institutional network continued, and the internationalization of TE continued to develop in the context of both European and more distant institutional relations.

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