Graduation Ceremony

Graduation Ceremony of the Spring Session of the International Coaching Course was held on 6th of June 2017 at Universtiy of Physical Education. 16 coaches of 15 countries has successfully completed their studies in badminton (2), football (4), handball (3), fencing (4) and general conditioning (3).

Graduation Ceremony (ICC 2017 Spring)

Prof. Dr. h. c. Lajos Mocsai, rector of the University of Physical Education greeted the graduated students and highlighted that one of the most important ability of a coach is to be able to deliver and maintain the motivation towards the athletes. This abiltiy requires pedagogy knowledge which can be only learn through study.

Dr. Judit Kádár, director of the International Relations Center also delivered her speech and she asked the students to be the ambassador of TE and tell their positive experiences in their home countries.

On behalf of the graduating students Miss Elisabeth Daisy Hutton (Great Britain, fencing coach) shared her thoughts and stories with the audience.

The Graduation Ceremony was closed with reception where students and their teachers could have their final conversation before the departures.

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