The second biomechanics symposium exceeds last year’s event in many aspects

The international symposium "2nd Biomechanics in Sport and Ageing Symposium: Artificial Intelligence" held at the Hungarian University of Sports Science (TF) presented the most up-to-date issues biomechanics and AI through a series of high-quality presentations.

There could not have been a better venue for the international symposium titled "2nd Biomechanics in Sport and Ageing Symposium: Artificial Intelligence" organised in collaboration with the Department of Kinesiology than the Hungarian University of Sports Science (TF).

Uniquely among the Hungarian sports science doctoral schools, the university’s focus on movement analysis is quite articulated, so it is no wonder that after last year's symposium, this year the event was organised again, this time with the involvement of sponsors and planned for two days, resulting in attracting almost 300 participants on 15 and 16 October.

It was definitely a success that while last year's symposium was attended by 160, this year's figure was was twice as many. We should also not forget that the organisers have managed to attract three sponsors for this year's symposium: SIMI Gmbh and Consilior Kft, ReC Bioengineering Laboratories and Human Movement Consulting.

The second biomechanics symposium exceeds last year’s event in many aspects

At the five sections, namely The Basics, Body structure and exercise prescription, Motor-cognitive function and AI in ageing, Injury and disease, Performance Assessment and prediction, total of 14 experts from nine countries presented data-based examples of the use of artificial intelligence in sport and ageing research, while the students delivered their 3-minute-long poster and pitches followed by 2 minutes of questions.

In addition to knowledge exchange, the event provided a great opportunity for conference participants to expand their network of contacts and agree on joint future research. We were pleased to see that, in addition to TF experts and researchers, representatives from other Hungarian universities and institutions were present and gave presentations, including the National Institute of Mental, Neurology and Neurosurgery, Budapest and research physicians from Széchenyi University, Győr.

"I heard about the symposium from my supervisor, and there was no question that I would attend the event because the conference theme fits well with my PhD topic. I will be able to use a lot of what was said here in my PhD thesis, but for now I am still in the process of gathering inspiration. I liked several of the poster presentations, all of which are great ammunition for my PhD," said a student at the TF Doctoral School.

Professor Tibor Hortobágyi, research professor of the Department of Kinesiology and Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the symposium, and two other researchers of the department, Dr András Hegyi and Dr Annamária Péter played an invaluable role in the organization of the conference.

The symposium ended on Wednesday evening with a gala dinner, during which the main sponsor of the event, SIMI Gmbh and Consilior Kft. were presented and awards were handed out.

Photo and video by Gergely Kovács, Máté Csortos

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