Biomechanics symposium starts with 300 participants

A major international scientific event entitled „2nd Biomechanics in Sport and Ageing Symposium: Artificial Intelligence” is held at the Hungarian University of Sports Science (TF) on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Almost 300 registration has been received at the international scientific event titled „2nd Biomechanics in Sport and Ageing Symposium: Artificial Intelligence” which brings together renowned speakers and experts from all over the world. 

The aim of the symposium is to provide a scientific platform for a state-of-the-art update on the progress of artificial intelligence, AI, in sport biomechanics and ageing. It is organised by the Hungarian University of Sports Science (TF) and the Department of Kinesiology in Budapest between 15 and 16 October. A total of 14 experts from nine countries will present data-based examples of the use of artificial intelligence in sport and ageing research.

It is important to note that this year's symposium is supported by a total of seven sponsors, which shows that market players see great potential in the event.

The conference was opened by Professor Tibor Hortobágyi, Research Fellow of the Department of Kinesiology and Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Symposium, who emphasized that the event could not have been organized at a better time, as all current year's Nobel Prize laureates, chemists and physicians, have made significant discoveries in the field of artificial intelligence.

Then TF’s Rector Professor Tamás Sterbenz, main patron of the symposium addressed the audience consisting of 300 attendees in the Athens Hall. In his speech, he pointed out that many sports professionals and sports scientists who later became world-famous had graduated from TF, and that almost one hundred Hungarian Olympic Champions had graduated from the university.

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"I admire biomechanics professionals, because step by step they are getting closer and closer to understanding the full reality, thus helping the development of sports science. Biomechanics provides the fundamental knowledge to understand sport and training theory and has always played a prominent role in the life of our university: it is unique among the national doctoral schools in sports science in giving a prominent role to the analysis of movement."

The section ending in early evening was chaired by Alan Godfrey and Tibor Hortobágyi, and it featured three inspiring keynote speeches.

In the opening keynote speech Peter van Ooijen, Machine Learning Lab Coordinator, Data Science Center in Health, University Medical Center Groningen held a lecture titled “The world of AI in health care: Past, present, and the future”, providing context for the symposium.

The symposium will continue on Wednesday with four more sessions on great topics, and will conclude on Wednesday evening with a gala dinner.

Click here for the programme of the symposium.

Photo by Gergely Kovács

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