The European Association for Sociology of Sport (EASS) conference begins at HUSS

The European Association for Sociology of Sport (EASS) conference (EASS2023) hosted by the Hungarian University of Sports Science (HUSS) kicked off with an opening ceremony and a roundtable discussion on 30 May.

The EASS2023 is currently held at the Hungarian University of Sports Science (HUSS) between 30 May and 2 June, 2023. The event primarily focusses on the theme ‘Transforming Sport – Transforming European Societies’.

One of the founding members of EASS is Prof Gyöngyi Szabó Földesi, Professor Emerita at the Department of Social Sciences of HUSS, while Dr Szilvia Perényi, associate professor at the Department of Sport Management, member of the enlarged EASS Board represents HUSS in the board of the organisation.  The bid for hosting the conference was won by HUSS several years ago, however, due to delays caused by the pandemic, it is taking place now.

Patrons of the event include Professor Tamás Sterbenz, HUSS Rector and Professor Gábor Géczi, Director of the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences, Head of the Department of Sport Management.  

A total of 120 university researchers and PhD student registered for the four-day event from 50 European universities. This is one of the largest gatherings of the European and global social science community. A PhD workshop and a board meeting were held in the morning of the first day, while in the afternoon the conference opened with a roundtable discussion.

The European Association for Sociology of Sport EASS conference begins at HUSS

Former President of the EASS Remco Hoekman welcomed the members of the research community at the official opening ceremony in front of a large audience in the gathering hall.

majd Koller Ákos, a Magyar Testnevelési és Sporttudományi Egyetem emeritus professzora, a Tudományos Tanács elnöke mutatta be röviden az egyetemet. A folytatásban Perényi Szilvia, a konferencia EASS-tagja és az esemény szervezője mondott rövid köszöntőbeszédet. Ezt követően került sor „A publikálás új trendjei és gyakorlata a tudományos folyóiratokban” című kerekasztal-beszélgetésre, amelyet dr. Dóczi Tamás, a TF Társadalomtudományi Tanszékének docense vezetett.

Then Professor Ákos Koller, Professor Emeritus of HUSS, Chairman of the Scientific Board introduced the university, which was followed by EASS conference member and organiser Dr Szilvia Perényi’s short opening speech. Then a roundtable discussion entitled " New trends and practices of publishing in scientific journals” chaired by Dr Tamás Dóczi, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Sciences at HUSS was held.

Participants of the discussion included Monika Piątkowska (Physical Culture and Sport Studies and Research, PCSSR), Adam B. Evans (European Journal of Sports Science, EJSS) and Professor Ákos Koller, Professor Emeritus of HUSS, representing Sport Research International (Sprint, formerly TST). At the end of the debate, Ákos Koller gave two interesting presentations. The first day ended with a walking tour to the Castle.

On Wednesday 31 May, the event will continue with a keynote speech and, as every day, four parallel sessions. There will be 32 parallel sessions in total with over 100 presentations to choose from over the course of the next three days.

The conference will also feature two keynote plenary sessions. Dunja Antunovic, researcher at the University of Minnesota will present "What is Still "New" about Social Media? The Importance of Sociology of Sport in Research on Mediatization", while Andrea Petroczi, an expert from Kingston University London will hold a lecture titled "What do we know about (the wicked problem of) doping in sport?".

The two chairs of the event, Szilvia Perényi and Tamás Dóczi, were pleased to note the rich scientific programme and the significant international interest.

The programme of the conference in English can be downloaded here.

Photo: Attila Nemes

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