Successful Webinar Series with the University of Bern

The University of Physical Education and the University of Bern organized a three-part English-language webinar series built around the theme of sports motivation. On each occasion, the focus was on motivating different age groups to be physically active: 1. the young  2. adults 3. older adults. The events provided participants with useful and valuable knowledge, who had participated mostly from German-speaking areas.

Successful Webinar Series in the Collaboration of the UPE and the University of Bern

Those who had joined all the lectures in the series and answered the questionnaire, received a certificate of participation.

Each webinar had four presenters. From the side of UPE Dr. Gyöngyvér Lacza, Ágnes Makszin and Dr. Tamás Dóczi provided great presentations. Furthermore, Dr. Martina Uvacsek and Lilla Török have enriched the webinar with professional comments. On behalf of the Bern University, Professor Claudio Nigg was presenting. We had guest presenters from Switzerland from the USA and form Hungary as well: Prof. Dr. Markus Gerber (UniBAS), Dr. Juana Willumsen, Paige Denison, Dr. Regina Guthold (WHO), Veress Réka (EMMI-HEPA).

The next werbinar series will be held in November this year, with the theme of motivating professional athletes of all ages, sports and levels. Our long-term goal is to organize similar high-quality online events close to sports, but focusing on other topics, as well as addressing UPE’s other international partner universities, current and former students.

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