Invitation to Prof. Dr Li Li Ji's exercise and muscle physiology course

Doctoral School of Sport Sciences of Hungarian University of Sports Science invites you to Prof. Dr Li Li Ji's exercise and muscle physiology course.

Date: 27th to 29th May, 2024, 9:00-12:00

Venue: H-1123 Budapest, Alkotás str. 42-48., Building K1, C201 Rome seminar room

The event hosted by Prof. Dr Zsolt Radák Vice Rector for Science and Innovation and Head of the Doctoral School.

Lecture topics:

  • Thermodynamics of metabolism: role of enzymes
  • Control of fuel utilization and energy flux during exercise: new discoveries
  • Principles of cell communication: focus on redox signaling
  • Mitochondrial homeostasis and skeletal muscle health
  • Mechanism and prevention of sarcopenia • Antioxidant systems
2024. Hungarian University of Sports Science.
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