Invitation to Prof. Scott Powers exercise physiology course

Doctoral School of Sport Sciences of Hungarian University of Sports Science invites you to Prof. Scott Powers exercise physiology course.

Date: 13th to 16th May, 2024, 9:00-12:00

Venue: H-1123 Budapest, Alkotás str. 42-48., Building K1, C201 Rome seminar room

The event hosted by Prof. Dr. Zsolt Radák Vice Rector for Science and Innovation and Head of the Doctoral School.

Lecture topics:

  • Pulmonary gas exchange during exercise: topics covered included breathing strategies, control of breathing, respiratory muscle fatigue, and evidence of incomplete pulmonary gas exchange
  • Exercise and lactate: history, phenomenology, and new developments
  • Exercise and cardioprotection
  • Exercise-induced preconditioning of skeletal muscles
  • Exercise and redox signaling
  • Exercise mimetics
  • Inactivity-induced muscle wasting

Prof. Scott K Powers is a well-known figure in exercise science (Citation is over 55 000, H-index: 110). Served as an editor of J. Physiology (London) and the American Journal of Physiology.

2024. Hungarian University of Sports Science.
All rights reserved.