Prof Zsolt Radák and colleagues publish article in Nature Metabolism

Prof Zsolt Radák, Director of the Research Center for Molecular Exercise Science at the Hungarian University of Sports Science (HUSS) acts as a co-author of a scientific article in one of the world's most highly-ranked scientific journals, Nature Metabolism.

In addition to Zsolt Radák, colleagues from the Research Center for Molecular Exercise Science (MEKK) are also authors of the article on muscle regeneration which was recently published in Nature Metabolism (Q1, IF: 19.890).

The article titled „PCYT2-regulated lipid biosynthesis is critical to muscle health and ageing” is a joint effort of several countries and institutions led by Joshp Penninger (Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Austrian Academy of Sciences) and first authored by Domagoj Cikes. This highly complex and multifaceted study has shown that the enzyme PCYT2/ECT, which is required for the synthesis of fat, plays a crucial role in skeletal muscle atrophy and the ageing process.

Following the request for cooperation, MEKK colleagues Dr Erika Koltai, Dr Ferenc Torma and Prof Zsolt Radák conducted physiological and molecular studies on physical exercise capacity and hypertrophy.

Click here to read the article.

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