
ROC (Erasmus+)

Projekt name: Recommendations based on analysing the implementation of the Outdoor Sector's certifications across the EU - ROC (Erasmus+)

Project leader: European Confederation Of Outdoor Employers

Project ID: KA2 2021-2-BE02-KA210-VET-000049672

Start Date: 04.01.2022.

End Date: 04.01.2022.

Description of project

The concrete objectives, addressing the common need of the recognition of the Outdoor Sector’s professionals in European level, are: Bringing grassroots organisations of the Outdoor Sector, newcomers to the programme, together with higher education institutions in a balanced win-win partnership, building a transnational network focusing on recognition of the field.

Enhancement of the organisations’ capacity to work in a transnational environment while increasing the quality of their work and their intercultural awareness, by exchanging with new actors coming from other sectors.

Contribution to development and/or improvement of VET curricula which are adaptable to labour market needs at EU level, fostering mutual recognition of qualifications, promoting access to training for those with less opportunities.

Setting concrete milestones for the future strategic planning of the network which will reinforce the overall aim of the field’s recognition and qualitative implementation of outdoor certification across EU. The flow of the planned activities is supposed to lead to jointly agreed recommendations based on the analysis and the overview of the outdoor certifications implementation in various member states. Furthermore, the generated recommendations in combination with the future strategic planning of the network will contribute in long term transparency of the recognition and certification of qualifications of employees, especially the young ones and newcomers, and in overcoming skills mismatch among the various national realities.

The project objectives are in line with the following priorities of the Programmes in the field of vocational education and training:

  • creation and implementation of internationalisation strategies for VET providers: the project is proposed by a balanced
  • partnership between grassroots labour marker representatives and higher institutions providing VET curricula.


  1. Professional Federation of Natural Sports Enterprises- BFNO (Belgium)
  2. Hellenic Association of Tourism Enterprises in Outdoor Activities (Greece)
  3. Panepistimio Thessalias (Greece)
  4. Hungarian University of Sports Scinces (HU)
  5. France Plein Air (France)
  6. Munster Technological University
  7. (Ireland)

LESS4MORE (E+ sport)

Project ID: 101089803 — LESS4MORE

Topic: ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-SCP — Cooperation partnerships

Project Title: Leveraging Sports for Women Empowerment

Short title: LESS4MORE

Project leader: Institutul National de Cercetare Pentru Sport (Romania)

Project partners:

  1. Institutul National de Cercetare Pentru Sport (Romania)
  2. Hungarian University of Sports Science (HUSS), Hungary
  3. Fonds Wiener Institut Für Internationalen Dialog Und Zusammenarbeit Austria
  4. Pythia Koinoniki Sineteristiki Epixeirisi Syllogikis Kai Koinonikis Ofelias, Greece
  5. Club Voleibol Clínica San Eugenio Voley Playa, Spain
  6. Asociatia Sportiva Corporate Games Romania
  7. G.G. Eurosuccess Consulting Limited, Cyprus

Start Date: December 01, 2022

End Date: June 30, 2025

Duration: 30 months

Total Grant: 250 000.00 EUR

HUSS partial grant: 29,655 EUR

Description of project

The project is foreseen to address the priority “inclusion and diversity” and its goal is to engage women, in particular from migrants and disadvantaged groups, to participate in Sport and Recreational Physical Activities (SRPA), including indoor and outdoor sports and to create an inclusive network for women sport as a base for future projects and for enabling of an international focus on recreational sports for women, as a balance for the professional sports for women.

Through its conception, but much more through its deployment, the project will create synergies between the different Erasmus+ fields of education, training, youth and sport, as every one of these fields has a resonance within project’s activities.

Specific objectives

  1. Identification of good practices in the world of sport for women;
  2. Deployment of specific training modules;
  3. Actively engaging women in sport practice;
  4. Using digital tools and apps;
  5. Establishment of a inclusive network dedicated to enroling and empowering women in and through sport.

Objectives will be reached through activities like:

  1. recruiting and enrolment of targeted groups,
  2. deployment of training stages, sport event organizing,
  3. participating in EWOS 2023&2024,
  4. seminars and workshops
  5. newsletters

Targeted groups: women aged 20-45 having less opportunities to practice sport; women from disadvantaged groups (minorities, migrants, roma communities, physically challenged), from local companies, women sport instructors, coaches, trainers, social workers.

Expected: 1200-1500 participants. Outputs of the project comprise: events conferences and workshops(4), manuals and guidelines(8), project website, newsletters(5), reports and plans(4).

Move the Mind Projekt (Erasmus+)


Project partner: Hungarian University of Sports Science (HUSS)

Project ID: 623082 - EPP - 1 - 2020 - 1 - DE - SPO - SCP

Start Date: 2021

End Date: 2023

Total Grant: 349,865 euros

Description of project:

Move the Mind means Empowerment for Mental Well-Being through Sport.

Move the Mind is an awareness raising and empowerment project that is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission as a Collaborative Partnership in the field of Sport. The main aim of the project is to help working-age adults to better cope with the challenges of everyday life in times of social crisis by harnessing the positive impact of physical activity and sport on mental health.

We increase the evidence-base about the positive aspects of sport and physical activity for contributing to the mental health and well-being of people. We build capacity of sport coaches at sport participation level to harness the positive mental impact of sport during their training sessions. We empower adults who are impacted by crises to harness sport as a tool to cope with challenges and to improve their mental health and well-being.


  1. Fonden Tarab Institute International (DK)
  2. International Council for Coaching Excellence (UK)
  3. Stichting Sportdrenthe (NL)
  4. Hungarian University of Sports Scinces (HU)
  5. Unio de Federacions Esportives de Catalunya (ES)

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V4V Projekt (Erasmus+ sport)

Project leader: European Observatory of Sports and Employment (EOSE)

Project partner: Hungarian University of Sports Science (HUSS)

Project ID: 622128-EPP-1-2020-FR-SPO-SCP

Start Date: January 01, 2021-

End Date: December 31, 2023

Total Grant: 450 000 euros

HUSS partial grant: 13 470 euro

Description of project:

The project aims to provide practical solutions to some key challenges in the world of sport volunteering. There is substantial evidence over many years that volunteers are vital to sport. They give freely of their time and energy, but they also gain much informal learning through their voluntary work. One of V4V’s founding principles is that, if there is a way to make these skills and competences visible, this could be a powerful incentive to engaging more volunteers. As appropriate to the ambitions and needs of individual volunteers, making their skills and competences visible could also ease their transition into paid employment, help career progression and begin to address some of the sectoral skill shortages which other research, such as EOSE’s ESSA-Sport project has revealed. Another challenge is that sport volunteering is in decline, and it is vital we do more to care for and retain sport volunteers and make better use of what they can contribute.

With the support of 12 high profile expert partners from the European sport sector, V4V aims to provide the following outputs:

  • A comprehensive mapping of sport volunteer workforce
  • A digital toolkit for volunteer recruitment, retention and management
  • An online competency-based self-assessment tool so volunteers can identify and showcase skills and competences gained through volunteering experiences
  • The first ever European Sport Volunteering Skills Summit

The project consists of four project elements (IO1-IO4), of which the Hungarian University of Sport Sciences is the leader of the first project element (IO1). This project element represents the research part of the project. Data collection was carried out using three methods, namely document analysis, interviews and questionnaires on volunteering in the partner countries.


  1. European Observatory of Sports and Employment (EOSE)
  2. International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA)
  3. European Volunteer Centre (CEV)
  4. World Rugby (WRF)
  5. International Judo Federation Academy Foundation (IJF)
  6. Romanian Football Federation (FRF)
  7. Finnish Athletics Federation (SUL)
  8. The Sport and Recreation Alliance (SRA)
  9. Portuguese Institute for Sport and Youth (IDPJ)
  10. Estonian Foundation of Sports Education and Information
  11. National Institute for Sport Research (NISR)
  12. Leeds Beckett University (LBU)
  13. Hungarian University of Sports Sciences (HUSS)

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