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Abstract submission for invited speakers


Poster submission

Abstract submission opens on 1 April 2025


All registrants are eligible to submit a poster. All posters in biomechanics and related fields will be accepted.

Abstract format and submission

Abstracts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format and through the website of the symposium. Abstracts sent by email will not be accepted. The abstract should include the title, authors, affiliations, first author’s email address, and 350 words of text structured as follows: Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions, Acknowledgements. The header and funding acknowledgements are excluded from the 350 words.

Submission deadline

10 September 2025

Poster format

Participants are encouraged to use minimal amount of text and use instead graphics, illustration as the main vehicle to present information. Title banner followed by Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions organized in a columnar format. The size of the poster should be A0 (height 120 cm, width 90 cm) and portrait (vertical) format, which can be recorded on flipchart boards.

How to prepare for my presentation?

As a presenter of the poster, you are required to place your poster on the designated board before your poster session begins and remove it by 15:30 on the 14th. Details of the place and time will be sent to all speakers by email before the symposium. If you participate in the student award competition, please arrive 5 minutes early to introduce yourself to the chair and familiarize yourself with the session process.

Those who do not participate in the student award will be asked to stand by their poster during the designated period of the poster session (Session 1 on 13th or Session 2 on 14th). You will have the opportunity to discuss your research with those visiting your poster. We suggest you prepare to summarize your research in three minutes.

Student award

The purpose of this award is to acknowledge outstanding scientific contributions from undergraduate and graduate (MS, PhD) students in the field of biomechanics in injury prevention or rehabilitation.

Poster presentations will last for three minutes, followed by a 2-minute discussion period. Posters entered for the student award will be juried.

How to apply for the student award?

Those students who wish to enter the student award process must check the box designated for this purpose when submitting their abstracts. The award panel may shortlist presentations based on the scientific merit of these abstracts and the number of submissions.

Prize (shared prize is possible): sponsored by ‘Biomechanics’, MDPI

Three poster presentations will be recognized at the 3rd Biomechanics in Sport and Ageing Symposium.

  • 1st place: 300 €
  • 2nd place: 200 €
  • 3rd place: 100 €

Application criteria and the decision-making process

Undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students can apply. Applicant student must be registered as the first author of the submitted abstract and will need to present the poster in person at the poster session of the symposium. Poster presentations to be awarded are of high quality in terms of scientific merit, presentation skills, and the ability to answer questions. A panel decides on the awards and its decision is final. Awards are announced at the closing dinner of the symposium.

2025. Hungarian University of Sports Science.
All rights reserved.